Child Protection

application/mswordFormati i AplikimitFormati i Aplikimit per Grantet e BE-se09/06/201659KB
application/pdfBehavioral disordersBehavioral disorders tips for teachers and parents of children with disabilities 19/01/2021107KB
application/pdfCommunication DisordersCommunication Disorders tips for teachers and parents of children with disabilities19/01/2021109KB
application/pdfEU Grants FAQCivil Society in Action for Protection of Child Rights in Albania-EU Grants-FAQ 14/06/2016128KB
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.documentFormat i Aplikimi i plote ne anglishtEU Grants Format Aplikimi i plote ne anglisht08/07/2016134KB
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.documentApplication Form for EU Grants Application Form for EU Grants in English22/06/2016135KB
application/pdfHandbook for parents on their child's development difficultyHandbook for parents who learn that their child has a developmental difficulty19/01/2021176KB
application/mswordFormat i plote i Aplikimit ne shqipEU Grants format i plote aplikimi ne shqip 08/07/2016224KB
application/pdfGeneral Comments on children in Street SituationGeneral Comment on children in street situations 13/04/2016236KB
application/pdfCivic engagement for a functional judiciary system Civic engagement for a functional judiciary system and access to justice in Albania15/03/2016299KB
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