Child Protection

application/pdfCommunication DisordersCommunication Disorders tips for teachers and parents of children with disabilities19/01/2021109KB
application/pdfBehavioral disordersBehavioral disorders tips for teachers and parents of children with disabilities 19/01/2021107KB
application/pdfAutism spectrum disordersInformation for the first 3 years of the child's life19/01/20211MB
application/pdfHandbook for parents on their child's development difficultyHandbook for parents who learn that their child has a developmental difficulty19/01/2021176KB
application/pdfStudy on Children in street situation Study on Children in street situation 18/01/2022787KB
application/pdfTogether for every child’s education, protectionTogether for every child’s education, protection, and well-being project 10/08/202311MB
application/pdfDegjoni dhe Mbeshtesni-Udhezues per prinderit Degjoni dhe Mbeshtesni-Udhezues per prinderit mbi edukimin seksual te femijeve03/01/2024647KB
application/pdfParents' Guide about sexual education of children Listen and Support-Parents' Guide about sexual education of children. 04/01/20241004KB
application/pdfChild Sexual Abuse Prevention and EducationChild Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Brochure for Youth in Albanian 27/02/2024658KB
application/pdfChild Safeguarding PolicyChild Safeguarding Policy14/05/2024373KB
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