Civil society in action for protection of child rights in Albania

Wednesday 21 December 2016
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the protection of the rights of the child in Albania and strengthen the role of civil society in the protection of the rights of the child in Albania. This project is financed by EU and implemented by Save the Children in partnership with Terre des hommes Foundation Mission in Albania.
Winning Projects:
Organization name: Institute for Sustainable Policies.
Project title: The Rights of Children of Imprisoned Parents in Albania.
Location: Tirane, Elbasan
Overall objective: To contribute to the protection of the rights of children of imprisoned parents in Albania and raise awareness on this particular matter by involving other organizations dealing with the protection of the right of children in Albania.
The project aims at promoting the rights of the children whose parents are imprisoned. It has been found out that parent’s imprisonment has a significant, long-lasting impact on the child’s life from various perspectives and may cause suffering emotionally, socially, financially and educationally. In Albania this category of children are mostly ignored. There are no studies or activities with focus on this particular group and statistic information on this topic are totally missing. In addition, there is neither any Albanian national or local action plan in place dealing or intending to deal in the near future with such an issue.
Organization name: ALB-AID
Project title: Kukes Child Right’s Capacity Building
Location: Kukes
Overall objective: To improve children’s rights in Kukes Municipality through better enforcement of laws and policies on children at local level.
The project aims at addressing the capacity building of the new local staff and institutions towards improvement of the implementation of the children rights. It also aims at awareness raising on the legal framework through promotional materials and social media. Through legal education and institutional action plans, civil society will strengthen its role in protecting the rights of children.
Organization name: Center for Advance Studies
Project title: More informed and secure against child sexual abuse and molestation
Location: Konispol, Saranda
Overall objective: To raise awareness throughout society, including at the family and classroom level, for sexual abuse and molestation through informal education and psychosocial activities.
The project aims at raising awareness for children and parents and capacity building for professionals on sexual abuse and molestation. The project activities consist in training of children, parents and professionals groups on child sexual abuse and molestation as well as awareness and civic education activities and advocacy and lobbying initiative.
Organization name: Gruaja Intelektuale Pogradec
Project title: “I can”
Location: Pogradec
Overall objective: Protection of the rights of children belonging to vulnerable groups through preventive community based services, advocacy and access to public services
The project aims at ensuring protection of children belonging to vulnerable groups (Roma, Egyptian, migrant from other cities, children in street situation) who face difficulties in their life and social exclusion. The project will be implemented in partnership with the Directorate of Education in Pogradec, Municipality of Pogradec, Child Protection Unit, Employment office, VET agencies. Main pillars of the project will focus on community based services, advocacy and awareness in promoting rights of the children of vulnerable groups.
Organization name: Different & Equal & Plan and Go
Project title: Modeling and integrating AM and PM Child care - For children of moms who are rebuilding their life’s
Location: Shkoza, Tirana
Overall objective: To support parents in the performance of their child rearing responsibilities through providing services tailored to needs of children of families and mothers affected by trafficking , domestic violence and economic/ employment hardships and enhancing the capacities of public institutions in Tirana Municipality to undertake a similar approach.
This project will support the establishment of two alternatives for community day care of children of parents facing economic hardships, mothers’ former victims of domestic violence and trafficking etc. The two alternatives will be a ‘home based’ one and a ‘kindergarten based’ one.
Organization name: Albanian Disability Rights Foundation
Project title: Child’s rights and disability inclusion
Location: Berat, Durres, Elbasan
Overall objective: Protect the rights of children with disability in Albania through fostering inclusive development.
The project will address limited inclusion of issues of CWD (Children with Disabilities) in government child agenda and disability agenda, institutional, environmental and attitudinal barriers that exclude and isolate CWD from the society. An assessment on the level of inclusion of the rights of CWD in policy and practice, both on child and disability agenda, will offer useful recommendations for all relevant stakeholders, to intervene and change and/ or improve the situation; training and field-based technical expertise on inclusive development and disability, will assist project targeted stakeholders in Berat, Durres, Elbasan, to develop and implement action plans focused on inclusive development programs, and/or inclusive organizational/institutional development interventions. A full participatory awareness raising and a communication plan, will contribute to improve attitudes of the general community and to advance advocacy on inclusion of CWD at all levels and in all areas of the society.
Organization name: National Center For Community Services
Project title: Positive parenting for a healthy childhood
Location: Gjirokastra
Overall objective: To contribute to the protection of the rights of children in Albania.
The project aims at improvement of parent’s knowledge on effective, non-violent strategies to deal with childhood behaviour problems. It aims also at the increase of children awareness on protection mechanisms against violence. Activities include individual consulting, community meetings with parents on positive parenting, training of children on protection against violence, production of self-help work-booksetc.
Project title: "More all-inclusive and education opportunities for the minors and youths coming from poorest families living in remote areas of Burrel."
Location: Rreshen, Burrel
Overall objective: Prevention of negative phenomena, abuse and trafficking of minors and young women (under 18 years), members of the poorest and marginalized families, living in Burrel.
The project aims at the minimization of the risks that threaten the most vulnerable minors and youngsters of Burrel, such as the risk of exploitation and human trafficking. It consists mostly in services for the target groups (minors and adolescents) such as education, integration and proper nutrition. Handcraft training and social activities with girls (teenagers) and young mother wil be organized as well.
Organization name: Help the Life Association
Project title: Protection of the rights of children with disability in Albania
Location: Durres, Vlora
Overall objective: To protect the safety and wellbeing of children with disability in residential, day care and community services by improving the social services provided by these agencies.
The project aims at the designing of the Protocol/Manual for the service providers agencies which will comprise the guidelines of treatment of children with disability on residential, day care and community based centers as a tool of implementation of the Standards of Social services for children with disability in Albania and based on the Convention of the Rights of People with disability. The protocol/Manual ensures a consistent approach that defines roles and responsibilities to protect the safety and wellbeing of children with disability in residential, day care and community services. The project components will be (a) Improvement of model of treatment of children with disability on the child rights perspective in Albania; and (b) the training of the main stakeholders for the implementation of this model.
Organization name: Albanian Center for Population and Development
Project title: Empowerment of adolescents to act on their rights in rural areas of Tirana and Shkodra
Location: Tirana, Shkodra
Overall objective: Strengthening the access to information and education of adolescents on human rights
The adolescents in rural areas of Tirana and Shkodra , will acquire knowledge about human rights, including the right against human trafficking. Teachers will be trained on topics related to human rights legal framework and they will train young adolescents to increase peer-to-peer youth education. Awareness raising activities with targeted groups will be organized, as well as competitions among local high school students in Tirana and Shkodra for ‘Best Poster’ on topics related to human trafficking, discrimination, gender based violence, etc.
Project title: School, art and fun for the social inclusion of Roma children in Fier
Location: Fier
Overall objective: Contribute to prevent the trafficking and the exploitation in street of Roma children from the villages of Drize and Mbrostar (Municipality of Fier), by promoting formal and non-formal education activities and raising awareness of civil society and public institutions about rights of Roma children.
The project aims at improving the level of literacy among Roma boys and girls, ensuring them best conditions for school attendance and special support for their integration in the public school system.
It also aims at supporting the creation of a network of public institutions, civil society organizations and Roma representatives in order to improve the accountability mechanism in the case management of Roma children in street. Through different project activities the tolerance and intercultural dialogue will be promoted in order to fight ethnic discrimination and build day by day an inclusive society, facilitating the participation of Roma children in recreational, artistic and sportive activities at Youth Center managed by Qendra Sociale Murialdo.