Child Protection

Monday 13 July 2015

Protecting children in contact with the law through the application of restorative justice

New study launch

Friday 3 July 2015

Summer Camp for vulnerable children and youth

An amazing and full of fun summer camp was offered for children and youth who live and work in vulnerable situations. The two week program allowed the children and youth 6-18 ages, who are at risk of abuse and exploitation, to have a chance to feel comfortable, play and have fun, learn new skills, and be active and creative.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Using peer to peer methodology as a prevention strategy against child abuse

Peer leaders training

Friday 12 June 2015

No to Child Labour Yes to Education!

Joint Press Statement

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Strengthening the Juvenile Justice system in Albania

Save the Children called on authorities to coordinate their work in developing a clear strategy for the prevention and reduction of the number of juveniles who repeatedly return to the Penitentiary Institutions during a round table organized by the Directorate General of Prisons in collaboration with Save the Children regarding "Institutional policies to prevent recidivism among juveniles".
